
Grand Canyon at Sunrise

February 2025


New year, new look! We’ve updated our newsletter based on your feedback to provide more information that can help you manage your bill, control your energy costs and learn about community services. Also, going forward, you’ll be able to revisit past issues anytime at aps.com/newsletters.

Flagstaff in winter

Seasonal Savings

Winter varies across Arizona, from mild temperatures and cacti to snowstorms and ponderosa pines. These savings tips are evergreen:
• Weatherstrip your doors and windows.
• If you have an electric heater, try setting your thermostat a few degrees lower. Every degree lowered helps you save.
• For more seasonal advice, visit aps.com/tips.

Save all day President's Day

You’ll save with off-peak rates on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 17, if you’re on Time–of–Use 4pm–7pm Weekdays, Time–of–Use 4pm–7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge, EV Overnight Charging 11pm–5am Weekdays or Saver Choice Plus. For a full list of lower-cost off-peak holidays, visit aps.com/plans.

Mother shows young daughter how to put her dish in the dishwasher

Discover hidden home savings

Get a better understanding of your energy usage at no cost with energy and money-saving tips unique to your home with a FREE Virtual Energy Checkup. Schedule a virtual walkthrough with an energy advisor today at apsvirtualsolutions.com.

If you’re looking for a do-it-yourself option, Energy Analyzer is an easy-to-use online tool designed to help you identify saving opportunities. Simply answer a few questions about your home at aps.com/ea to get custom tips on ways to save energy and money for free. And if you’ve made improvements to your home since the last time you’ve used the tool, you can update your profile for a more customized experience.

Suns guard Ryan Dunn surprises a teacher with a grant

Community Corner:
STEM Grants Recap

APS/Suns STEM Grants are a slam dunk. Each year, APS teams up with the Phoenix Suns to help teachers bring hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning to thousands of students across Arizona. Last fall, one lucky teacher was surprised in-person with her grant by Phoenix Suns guard Ryan Dunn. Grants up to $2,500 are awarded to buy STEM-related equipment and classroom supplies, fund curriculum-based field trips and guest speakers for a total of $50,000 in grants every year. Past projects include solar-powered race cars, weather balloon launches and raised-bed organic gardening.

Learn more about this and other education programs available at aps.com/education.

Father and older son

Help from a friend

If you need assistance managing your account, it’s nice to know someone you trust is there to help. With the Safety Net program, you still manage your bill, but your Safety Net partner also receives a copy so they can remind you when your bill is due and help you manage any past-due notices.

Learn more at aps.com/safetynet.

Stay in the know, simplify your life

When you create an online account, you’ll automatically receive important notifications, including outage alerts, to keep you informed. Registering an account also means you’ll have access to a dashboard that shows you information like your energy usage and bill amount due. It also gives you easy access to sign up for Paperless billing, so you can cut clutter and simplify your life.

Already have an account? Sign in to be sure your contact information is up to date.

Find your perfect match with APS Marketplace

Shop day or night for energy efficient products at marketplace.aps.com. You can compare ratings and set price alerts before you commit to your next big purchase, so you can ensure your selection is a perfect match for your home and budget.

Mylar balloons causing a spark on a power line

Only love should be in the air

Sparks fly, but your Mylar balloons shouldn’t. To prevent a power outage, always be sure balloons are properly secured. Celebrate Valentine’s Day safely when you do your part to protect the electric grid we all share.

Learn more about aps.com/safety.

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