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Community Initiatives

Municipalities and regional economic development organizations around the state help identify the building blocks that shape long-term economic stability. We assist them, offering technical and financial assistance to help make the most of their unique community assets, retain successful hometown companies and create more jobs.

We participate on the following boards and committees across Arizona:
- Arizona Commerce Authority
- East Valley Partnership
- Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona
- Greater Phoenix Economic Council
- Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation
- Northern Arizona Council of Governments
- Pinal Alliance for Economic Growth
- Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization
- Westmarc
- Real AZ

Economic Success Starts with Strategic Planning
Regional development organizations and individual communities can benefit from a plan for the future. We can help you make one.
Our collaborative process is designed to build consensus around mutually accepted goals, align planning tools and deliver an action plan to help you take the appropriate steps to shape your envisioned economic future both in terms of identifying job creation and building a diverse tax base.
Here are some examples of recent economic development strategic plans:

Economic Development
More and more advanced business, technology and manufacturing industries are choosing to call Arizona home.

Arizona Prospector Can Help Your Business Find a Home
Our Arizona Prospector web site provides up-to-date community and region-specific data on labor force demographics, wages, top industries, business clusters, consumer spending, education levels, transportation and housing.