
Freedom to Willis

Child and dad taking selfie.


Voltage - 69kV
Estimated completion date - 4th quarter 2019
Location - Liberty and Rainbow Valley communities within the cities of Buckeye and Goodyear

Project need
Connect the Freedom Substation to the Willis Substation with a new 69,000 volt (69kV) power line. Improve reliability and strengthen the regional electrical system.

Project description
APS continually monitors its electrical system and, when necessary, adds or upgrades facilities. These improvements enhance reliability and help ensure that an adequate supply of electric power is available to customers.

The purpose of this project is to increase the reliability and strengthen the electrical system in the region by connecting the Freedom Substation (currently under construction at South Tuthill Road and West Broadway Road) to the Willis Substation (located at South Rainbow Valley Road and West Willis Road) with the new 69kV power line. The increased reliability would help minimize outage occurrences and durations.

The new segments of the 69kV power line will be built on steel poles and will be a single 69kV circuit configuration (three wires per circuit). The new 69kV power line may be constructed in a new alignment or added in areas where lines already exist. Some portions of the line, depending on routing, may consolidate with existing single circuit poles creating a double 69kV circuit configuration (six total wires on the same pole). If built within existing overhead 12kV alignments, the new 69kv line would also consolidate the 12kV lines onto the new 69kV poles. It is anticipated that any new poles would be approximately 65 feet in height, similar to existing 69kV lines in the area. The line would span approximately 10 to 13 miles, depending on routing, and would require a right-of-way or easement approximately 40 to 60 feet in width (20-30 feet each side of the line) to construct, operate, and maintain the facilities.

Project planning
In early 2019 APS hired SWCA, an environmental consultant, to assist in evaluating substation sites and route alternatives, assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process. Baseline information about land use, visual, biological, cultural, and recreational resources for the area was used to develop route alternatives within the study area.

Briefings were held with representatives and officials from local, state, and federal agencies, including Maricopa County and the cities of Buckeye and Goodyear, to inform them of the proposed project and to solicit input from them.

In late June 2019, we announced the process for selecting a route alignment for the project in a newsletter, and held an open house on July 11 to explain the purpose and need for this project, present alternative route options and solicit input from all who attended.

Opportunities for commenting have been available through email, mail, telephone and the project webpage over the past two months. The input we received from residents, tenants, property owners, businesses and recreational users has been incorporated into the siting process along with engineering and environmental studies to identify the final route. After evaluating environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods, and input from agencies and the public, a final route for the new 69kV line has been determined.

Project maps
Selected route

Final route corridor
The final power line alignment will follow the “Green” Route” option, as presented at the July open house and shown on the included map. The new power line will traverse approximately 11.6 miles from the Freedom Substation (South Tuthill Road and West Broadway Road) to the Willis Substation (South Rainbow Valley Road and West Willis Road). It will primarily follow along the South Verrado Way/South Airport Road alignment, as well as portions of South Tuthill Road/203rd Avenue and South Rainbow Valley Road. With the final route selected, APS will begin to acquire land rights, complete design and obtain permits for the construction of the line. We anticipate construction to begin in 2021, and the project is planned to be completed and energized by 2022.

Project features
The new 69kV power line will consist of steel-pole structures, and, to the extent possible, will consolidate with and rebuild portions of existing 12kV and 69kV lines. Typical structures are about 65 feet tall, but may increase in height in certain areas depending on terrain. Typical right-of-way/easement widths are 40-60 feet wide (20-30 feet on each side of the structures). Where possible, existing road rights-of-way will be utilized to reduce overall easement widths for those portions along city and county roads. Project planning


In early 2019 APS hired SWCA, an environmental consultant, to assist in evaluating substation sites and route alternatives, assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process. Baseline information about land use, visual, biological, cultural, and recreational resources for the area was used to develop route alternatives within the study area.

Briefings were held with representatives and officials from local, state, and federal agencies, including Maricopa County and the cities of Buckeye and Goodyear, to inform them of the proposed project and to solicit input from them.

In late June 2019, we announced the process for selecting a route alignment for the project in a newsletter, and held an open house on July 11 to explain the purpose and need for this project, present alternative route options and solicit input from all who attended.

Opportunities for commenting have been available through email, mail, telephone and the project webpage over the past two months. The input we received from residents, tenants, property owners, businesses and recreational users has been incorporated into the siting process along with engineering and environmental studies to identify the final route. After evaluating environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods, and input from agencies and the public, a final route for the new 69kV line has been determined.

Project updates
APS would like to thank you for your interest and participation in the project. Although the siting process is now complete, this webpage will be maintained with the latest information. Questions can be submitted to Stephen Eich, APS Siting Consultant, at FreedomWillis@aps.com.

Related documents
Newsletter #1
Newsletter #2
Open House Display Boards

Power line siting projects
A look at the current siting projects, as well as some completed siting projects.
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