
Outdoor Lighting Program

Valley city lit up against a night sky.


Our Dusk to Dawn lighting program allows contractors to lease streetlights and other electrical equipment to save on energy costs while keeping their gated properties, parking lots and alleyways safe and well-lit. You can also supply your own equipment, then pay for set-up and maintenance in installments to avoid higher up-front costs.

How the Program Works

  1. Decide where you will source your lighting, poles and other equipment. You may use developer equipment, APS equipment or your own, depending on your municipality.
  2. Initiate a streetlight request through your city or county.
  3. After your requests are approved, contact a local project representative through the APS Construction Contacts Map to request an electrical design.
  4. Once received, send the designs to the city or county for approval on any modifications.
  5. Developers are responsible for installing the lighting independently or through a contractor. If APS equipment is used, we may cover installation and maintenance costs.
  6. Regardless of who installs the equipment or where it is sourced, APS must inspect all streetlights and facilities.
  7. Sign the 10-year contract and enjoy sustainable lighting throughout your property.
Man and woman sitting down and having a meeting.

Schedule Your Pre-Construction Meeting

Before you start building, we recommend setting up a meeting with our electrical experts. You must be the property owner, or have written permission from the property owner, to join the Dusk to Dawn program. You will be required to provide your address, desired pole location and account number. If you are not the property owner, please also bring a copy of your lease to prove you will stay at the property for the duration of the contract.

Call 602-371-7171 to schedule a meeting.

Dusk to Dawn Program Details

  • Depending on your municipality’s requirements, you may use APS equipment, developer-installed equipment, governing agency equipment or provide your own.
  • All APS-owned lights and poles must adhere to standard, pre-approved requirements.
  • If APS equipment is utilized, most installation costs will be covered at a non-metered rate based on lumen type, pole type and other charges.
  • If you choose to use your own equipment, you will be responsible for all installation costs and any future maintenance on your lights.
  • Customer-owned lights are subject to code requirements of your city or county.
  • Developers are responsible for installing lights independently or through a contractor.
  • APS must inspect all lighting facilities and equipment and grant final approval.
  • In addition to contacting all area residents affected, you will be responsible for all trench, conduit and junction box installations. View our Electric Service Requirements Manual for more information.
  • Contracts stay in effect for a minimum of 10 years. Upon contract expiration, you can renew your monthly fee or send us a 30-day written notice to disconnect your service.
Report an Outage or Streetlight Issue
If you have a power outage or a broken or flickering streetlight on your property, report the problem in our Outage Center, and we’ll fix it promptly.
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