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Celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day December 2
Palo Verde Generating Station joins with people across the globe celebrating World Nuclear Energy Day, December 2. This day highlights the benefits of nuclear energy, raising awareness of the many contributions it makes to our society.
Here in Arizona, we’ll have a high-profile guest joining us in celebrating the day. Miss America 2023 Grace Stanke is the grand marshal of this year’s APS Electric Light Parade, which will move through the streets of downtown Phoenix in front of thousands of families celebrating the season on December 2. Stanke is a nuclear engineering student, and in April she took a tour of Palo Verde Generating Station.
Support for nuclear energy continues to grow. A Pew survey found 57% of Americans favor more nuclear power plants to generate electricity. That’s a 12% increase from just three years ago. Gallup also found that more than half of Americans – 55% in its new poll – favor the use of nuclear energy. There are many reasons support for nuclear is growing rapidly.
- Energy availability: While experts predict increasing demand for electricity, energy supply is constrained in the U.S. and abroad, with Gallup reporting that 73% of Americans are worried about the availability and affordability of energy. Nuclear is a source of plentiful power, and American leadership in nuclear energy is a pathway to reliable energy globally.
- Climate concerns: Nuclear energy is a clean source of power, so its popularity has grown as Americans become more concerned about climate change. (Gallup found that 61% of respondents are worried a “great deal” or “fair amount” about climate.) Nuclear energy provides abundant carbon-free power.
- Government support: The nuclear industry is thriving, with many exciting achievements for the current fleet and new reactors. The federal government has taken major policy steps to support current and next-generation nuclear technologies.
Palo Verde Generating Station has been the nation’s largest power producer for nearly 30 years – all of it clean and carbon-free. As the heart of the APS generation fleet, it provides the foundation for the reliable service our customers know they can count on. The plant is a critical asset to the Southwest, generating more than 32 million megawatt-hours annually – enough power for more than 4 million homes and businesses.
Palo Verde has three of the nation’s 93 nuclear reactors. These reactors, located in 28 states, generate nearly 20% of the nation’s electricity, all without carbon emissions. These plants are supporting the grid 24/7, year-round.
Please join us on December 2 to celebrate the people who design, build, operate and support the broad range of technologies that are part of nuclear energy. Learn more about World Nuclear Energy Day.