Account Management
We will then contact the other party to confirm they wish to continue services and establish a new account in their name only. If they agree, services can usually switch to their name as soon as the next business day.
If we can’t reach the other party by phone, we will send them a letter explaining that if they do not notify us to discontinue service within 10 business days, we will establish a new account in their name only.
- Submit a request to stop service.
- Ask the new responsible party to submit a request to start service.
Both parties must contact us individually. If you both submit your requests the same day, billing will likely be transferred from one name to the other without any interruption to service. Once the service is taken out of your name, we will issue you a final bill reflecting your electric charges up to that date.
If you wish to remain the primary party responsible for billing but want to give someone else the ability to pay, assign a guest role on your account. Guests are not financially responsible for your account, but they can make payments and perform other account functions online, depending on the level of access granted.
Additionally, our Safety Net program allows you to designate a friend or family member to receive a copy of your monthly bill. That way, if you’re out of town or can’t view your bill in a timely manner, they can remind you when your bill is due. However, they will not be financially responsible for your account.
If you have a past-due balance, we will cover that amount with your deposit to prevent a service shutoff.
If you choose to stop your service with APS, deposits will appear on your final bill. If any credit remains after the final bill is paid in full, we will mail a refund check to the address provided.
Update Billing Preferences
If you are not already signed in, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your APS account or register for account access.
- Select "My Plan" tab on your Dashboard.
- Under the "Receive Paper Bill" module, click the On/Off toggle.
- The "On" button will appear blue if you are still receiving a paper bill.
- The "Off" button will appear dark gray if you are only receiving electronic bills.
- Sign in to your APS account or register for account access.
- Click your name in the top-right corner of the screen, then select “My Profile Settings” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue pencil icon next to “Mailing Address.”
- Type in your updated mailing address and click “Save Changes.”
- Sign in to your APS account or register for account access.
- Click your name in the top-right corner of the screen, then select “My Profile Settings” from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the blue pencil icon next to “Email Address” at the top of the page.
- Type in your updated email address and click “Send code.”
- Once you receive the verification code at the email address you provided, enter the code to verify your email address and click “Save changes.”
If your spouse has passed away and you were not listed as a joint account holder, call us at (602) 371-7171 or (800) 253-9405 and we will add you to the existing account.
- Your credit check states “No deposit required”
- You have an acceptable Letter of Credit (LOC) from another electric company
- You add a joint account holder with good payment history or an acceptable LOC
If your service has been shut off or the existing security deposit is not sufficient, an additional deposit may be required, and the total deposit will be twice as much as your average bill.
We will review residential accounts with deposits after one year of service. If your payment history shows no more than two late payments, we will return the deposit (with interest) to your account the following month.
We also offer programs to help you pay your bills on time and avoid a deposit:
- Preferred Due Date: Select the preferred payment due date that works best for your monthly budget and schedule. You can change this date once every 12 months.
- AutoPay: We will automatically deduct your payments from the payment method of your choice before the due date each month.
- Sign in to your APS account or register for account access.
- Select “View Usage Details” on your dashboard.
- Visit Usage Help for additional step-by-step instructions to help you understand your usage graphs.
- Sign in to your APS account. If you have more than one account, select the one with solar. You can also download the APS mobile app from the App Store or Google Play to view your solar usage status.
- Select the 'View Usage Details' icon on your Dashboard.
- Hover over or click on the usage bar in the graphs under the “Last Billed' and “Current Usage” tabs to view your total energy amount. You can also toggle between “Energy from APS” and “Energy to APS” above the graph. The 'Current Usage' tab displays the total produced since your last bill.
Residential customers have two options for a solar rate rider: RCP or EPR2.
- RCP, or Resource Comparison Proxy, is a net-billing* solar purchase energy rider that measures excess power you don't use and gives you a monthly bill credit based on the current RCP purchase rate.
- EPR-2, or Electronic Product Recovery and Recycling, is a net-billing* renewable purchase energy rider that measures excess power you don't use and gives you a monthly bill credit based on the current EPR-2 purchase rate.
*Net-billing sells any surplus power generated by your renewable system to APS in exchange for credits.
More FAQs
Note: It's important to close all open browsers after clearing your cache, then reopen a new browser window.
Google Chrome
1. Click on the Chrome “Menu” button, a circular button in the top-right corner with three dots, on the browser tool bar
2. Select “History”
3. Select “Clear Browsing Data”
4. Select a time range from the drop-down menu
5. Ensure that the “Cashed images and files” checkbox is selected
6. Click the “Clear data” button
1. Click on the Firefox “Menu” button, a square button in the top-right corner with three lines, on the browser tool bar
2. Select “Options” and navigate to the “Privacy & Security” tab
3. Make sure the “Cached Web Content” checkbox is selected
4. Scroll down to “Cookies and Site Data” and click “Clear data”
1. Click on the “Safari” tab
2. Click “Clear History”
3. Select a time range
4. Click the “Clear history” button
1. Locate the data plate on your appliance. The plate is usually near the power cord outlet and/or the UL® or CE® listing. If the appliance has an adapter, the data plate is often on the adapter itself.
2. Look for the power rating, or input power, the device uses. This is typically listed in watts. If watts are not listed, note the voltage and amps on the data plate. Multiply the volts by the amps to calculate watts. Record the wattage of the device.
3. Determine how long you use the appliance per day, as well as how many days per month.
Example: A slow cooker might be on for five hours per day, but it is only used three days per month.
4. Divide the watts by 1,000 to convert your wattage number into kilowatts (kW).
Example: If your slow cooker uses 240 watts, your calculation would be 0.24 kW* (240/1,000 = 0.24).
*If you are on a time-of-use demand charge plan and the device operates for a full hour during peak times, between 4 to 7pm on weekdays, we may add 0.24 kW to your demand charge.
5. Multiply your kW number by how many hours per day you use the device. This will determine your kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Example: If you use a slow cooker for an average of five hours, 0.24 x 5 = 1.2 kWh.
6. Multiply your kWh by the number of days per month you use the device.
Example: 1.2 kWh x 3 days per month = 3.6 kWh.
7. Multiply the total kWh by the energy charge in your specific rate plan.
Example: If you are on a time-of-use plan, you would run the slow cooker during off peak hours at $0.10873 per kWh. (3.6 kWh x $0.10873 = $0.39.)
In sum, it would cost $0.39 per month to run a slower cooker for five hours per day, three days per month.
Every home appliance is different, but here are a few energy-saving notes about each:
- Air conditioners typically use 1-1.5 kW per ton of capacity. If you have a four-ton system, it likely uses between 4-6 kW.
- Older refrigerators tend to use more power, especially if they are in the garage or outside.
- Hot tubs differ greatly in size and energy use. On average, using a hot tub for one hour each day can cost around $450 per year.
- Washing only full loads in your dishwasher and not using the heated drying feature will help you reduce energy usage. Also, be sure to run your dishwasher during off-peak hours if you are on a time-of-use plan.
- Try to stagger the use of non-critical appliances, like dishwashers, washing machines, dryers and pool pumps, by running them individually instead of all at once.
• Home Performance Check-up: 602-371-3636 or email apsinfo@elaz.org
• AC Rebate: (888) 890-9730 or email apsinfo@elaz.org
• Smart Thermostat Rebate: (877) 576-5272 or email greenteamVM@apsc.com
If you’re on our Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays plan or Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge plan, you’ll enjoy off-peak rates on the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Presidents Day
- Cesar Chavez Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Indigenous Peoples' Day / Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Eve
Bills are normally about 30 days, however, can vary from 25-35 days based on when the meter is read.
You can view the meter reading schedule here.